Blue Monday eCommerce

4 Reasons Why ‘Blue Monday’ Isn’t A Concern For eCommerce Sellers


Most people will honor today as Martin Luther King Jr Day, but a much lesser known event that takes place every year in the northern hemisphere on the third Monday of January is ‘Blue Monday’

Blue Monday since 2005 has been considered the saddest day of the year, it takes place on the third Monday in January, but today I want to take a more optimistic outlook on why eCommerce sellers especially can be very grateful not just for 2020 but the opportunities that lie ahead for 2021.

Blue Monday was originally conceived by psychologist Cliff Arnall when as part of a marketing campaign he used a complex formula to work out when was the most depressing day of the year.

His formula took into account weather, level of debt, monthly salary, time elapsed since Christmas, how long a person has failed to keep their New Year’s resolutions, motivational levels, and a need to take action.

His conclusions led to Blue Monday being born, and for many like a self fulfilling prophecy it has grown and grown and taken on a life of its own, where every year, Blue Monday is spoken about almost as much as Black Friday in the eCommerce community.

Why eCommerce Sellers Should Be Exempt From Blue Monday This Year

In a bid to break the self fulfilling prophecy for our readers, I wanted to change the perspective and instead of focusing on all of the things that might not be so great now, to instead focus on all of the things we collectively can be grateful for right now.

So with that said, let’s get started.

1) eCommerce Has Never Been Bigger – It is easy to forget but last year when large parts of the World were locked down and people were losing their jobs, eCommerce was there as the trusted beacon to save people from starvation and boredom.

More and more people than ever before were having their essential items delivered to their door, and with bricks and mortar stores facing more and more challenges, online sellers have been there to pick up the pieces.

If you are an eCommerce seller, you have arguably found yourself in the best industry to deal with a pandemic.

2) Marketplaces Are Continuing To Grow – Following on from point 1, the likes of Amazon, eBay, Walmart, Etsy, OnBuy and others have never been busier. If you are a multi-channel eCommerce seller, more buyers have the ability to see your products than ever before.

2021 could be the perfect time to expand into new marketplaces or locations to make the most of this new eCommerce audience that previously you didn’t have access to.

3) Shipageddon is Over – All of the chaos and craziness from Q4 delivery backlogs is finally subsiding and things are returning back to normal. With a sense of normality returning, business processes can return back to normal levels and proper planning and process implementation can begin to try and make 2021 smoother.

4) Vaccines Are On The Way – The other key perspective is that through all of the craziness we saw and witnessed in 2020, whilst 2021 didn’t magically solve the problems. However light is at the end of the tunnel, vaccines are rolling out across the World and the hope of normality returning is something we can all hope for.

With all of that being said, let us know over in our Facebook Group what you are grateful for, how you are spending your Blue Monday and are most looking forward to for your business in 2021.

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