The 2023 holiday season final tally.

The 2023 Holiday Season Tally: E-Commerce Thrives on Discounts, BNPL, and Mobile Shopping


The holiday season has come and gone, leaving behind a mountain of wrapping paper, overflowing stockings, and, for the e-commerce world, a treasure trove of data revealing fascinating consumer trends.

Analyzing trillions of data points, Adobe Analytics paints a clear picture: discounts reigned supreme, Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) soared, and mobile shopping cemented its dominance.

So, let’s review some of Adobe’s holiday season insights and what they might mean for your business in 2024.

Feasting on Deals: Discounts Fueled the Holiday Season

Americans spent a record $221.1 billion online during the 2023 holiday season – $10.4 billion more than last year – with consumers caving bargains that drove sales. Across major categories, from electronics (31% off!) to toys (28% off!), discounts hit record highs.

Online merchants, facing an uncertain demand environment, leaned heavily on promotions to entice shoppers, and it worked.

Cyber Week, the five days between Thanksgiving and Cyber Monday, saw a whopping $38 billion in online spending, up 7.8% year-over-year.

Black Friday and Cyber Monday continued their reign as shopping extravaganzas, with 11 days throughout the season surpassing $4 billion in daily spending!

BNPL: Spreading the Joy (and Debt)

The rise of BNPL is undeniable. This holiday season, it contributed a staggering $16.6 billion to online spending, a 14% increase over 2022.

November was the biggest month ever for BNPL, and Cyber Monday shattered a single-day record with $940 million in spending through this method.

Consumers appear to embrace BNPL’s flexibility, especially during the pressure-cooker holiday shopping environment. However, the long-term implications of mounting BNPL debt remain a concern.

Mobile: King of the Shopping Cart

The smartphone dethroned the desktop this holiday season, claiming 51.1% of online sales (up from 47% in 2022).

Christmas Day saw mobile dominance at its peak, with 63% of online orders coming through smartphones. This trend underscores the importance of mobile-first strategies for online merchants.

Consumers increasingly expect seamless shopping experiences on their devices, from browsing to checkout. Ignoring this shift could leave businesses lagging behind.

Beyond the Headlines: Other Notable Trends

  • Curbside pickup remains a valuable option: Though slightly down from 2022, 18.4% of online orders this season utilized curbside pickup. This service provides convenience and speed, particularly during the holiday rush.
  • Paid search reigns supreme in marketing: While social media’s contribution continues to grow, paid search remains the king of online sales drivers, accounting for nearly 30% of online purchases.
  • E-commerce prices defy inflation: Interestingly, Adobe’s Digital Price Index shows online prices have fallen for over a year. This suggests that this holiday season’s strong consumer spending resulted from rising prices and genuine buying interest fueled by discounts and convenient payment options.

Looking Ahead: What Does 2024 Hold?

Adobe’s online shopping data offers valuable insights for e-commerce merchants navigating the uncertain waters of 2024.

Discounts will likely remain a key strategy, but their effectiveness might wane if not paired with innovative marketing and loyalty programs.

Embracing BNPL requires careful consideration of consumer debt and responsible lending practices.

The mobile momentum is unstoppable, and online merchants must prioritize mobile-first experiences to cater to the ever-present smartphone shopper.

Finally, understanding and leveraging changing consumer behavior beyond price sensitivity will be crucial for success in the year ahead.

As we embark on the new year, the story of the 2023 holiday season is one of resilience, adaptation, and a shift towards convenience and flexibility.

Online merchants who pay attention to their data and adjust their strategies accordingly stand to thrive in the ever-evolving landscape of online commerce.

Do you want to unlock the secrets to boosting your online business in the new year? Look no further than our annual feature, “Top Predictions & Growth Strategies for Online Sellers in 2024”.

This comprehensive article features the wisdom of 20 leading e-commerce experts, each sharing their invaluable insights and actionable strategies for 2024 to help you take advantage of golden opportunities in online commerce while navigating the choppy waters of rising costs.

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