Amazon delivery van with Driveri parked on a residential street

Amazon Driver Filmed Having Breakdown Whilst Delivering


A week after Amazon announced their new well-being ‘Resources For Living’ benefit for US workers and their families, an incident has been caught on camera showing an Amazon delivery driver appearing to suffer from a breakdown.

The video surfaced on TikTok with the beginning featuring the driver repeatedly shouting “S***” loudly and then screaming. He can then be seen turning his van around and driving back in the direction from which he came.


Tell me you had bad day without telling me you had a bad day #amazon #hopeheisok

♬ original sound – Kristina Danielle Zagwyn

Whilst we don’t know for sure what caused the outburst, it had led to over 5000 comments on the original video with over 630,000 views and plenty of speculation. Some viewers were guessing that he had missed a delivery earlier on his route, others guessed that he maybe had received bad news on a text message. One even tried to level the blame at the accumulated stress of working for Amazon.

In a follow up live video on TikTok the woman who posted the video Kristina clarified a couple of points. She stated:

“We tried to help him for half an hour but he wasn’t having it.”

“He just acted like this then preceded to go through a stop sign and almost hit a minivan. They had to slam on their brakes.”

TikTok User Kristinadaniellez

Whilst this breakdown does not look for the Amazon brand, it is good knowing that the business has multiple things in place including their new WorkingWell program to hopefully ensure this driver gets any help he needs.

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