Does Etsy Need Image Nudity Censoring?


We have seen an interesting criticism come up today regarding certain items for sale on the Etsy marketplace.

We first found this mentioned in a Etsy Facebook Group and upon doing some of our own research have noticed that for some there could be what is considered ‘questionable images’ on the Etsy marketplace.

Should Etsy Censor Nudity?

The message that was left in the group is as follows.

This is a rant…

So I was looking up keywords on etsy and I went to the etsy homepage. Well on the front page there is a clickable picture and it says “Woohoo, these items ship for free! shop now” so I clicked it because I wanted to see what showed up on the front page with free shipping.

I also clicked the “Ready to ship in 1 business day” because my free shipping items are ready to ship, and I wanted to see if I show up! I don’t, but that is not what this is all about. So I’m scrolling and not 10 rows down my 4yr old and I were surprised to see boobs/breast/bare chest as a listings front page. I reported it because I am beyond pissed that my young child saw that.

Sorry not sorry. Am I crazy?

As it is a closed group we have respected the privacy of the poster, and instead will link to one of the pages that she is complaining about.

etsy nudity

Be aware that this link does contain (at the time of posting) some topless female nudity so please exercise caution if easily offended.

The seller for this product has 9 other images of just the product itself and the packaging it comes in, however the lead image is a lifestyle of the image being used.

Obviously this is likely to divide opinion on the subject of censorship and nudity, but in the example above it does beg the question “Is Etsy really the platform where such images should be easily found, especially for a young audience?”

We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below or over on our Facebook Group

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