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eBay Introduce New Price Caps for Vehicle Basic and Plus Package Fixed Price Listings


eBay has announced some changes to the price caps in place for vehicle listings for those eBay shop owners who have basic or plus subscriptions. This is quite a notable change and comes into place from June 27th 2022.

You can see the announcement from eBay below:

New eBay Price Caps For Vehicle Listings

“Starting June 27th, 2022, new price caps will be applied to Basic and Plus package fixed price listings:

Categories: Cars & Trucks, Other Vehicles & Trailers, and Boats

  • Basic Package: Maximum fixed price = $10k
  • Plus Package: Maximum fixed price = $20k

Categories: Motorcycles and Powersports

  • Basic Package: Maximum fixed price = $5k
  • Plus Package: Maximum fixed price = $10k

These price caps apply to fixed price listings on the US site only.  Learn more about listing fees for these vehicles on eBay Motors.

As always, thank you for selling on eBay.”

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