product reviews 4 stars

Product Reviews Help In Ranking Online Business


Reviews help when it comes to eCommerce. Products and services which have reviews help consumers make a choice.  Amazon have always done a great job of using the social proof of reviews to help sell products.

Sites that have local reviews also rank better when it comes to ranking in search engines.

Customers will look at a site’s reviews to see if that site can be trusted and good for business transactions.

How reviews help rank your business

5 Star Product Reviews

A survey data made by BrightLocal has shown that a great majority of consumers read reviews in order to evaluate how a site is. 90 percent of consumers do that, the survey has shown.

This shows that almost all consumers would first read reviews about a site before committing any transaction.

Many people trust reviews as well. As much as 84 percent of people would trust reviews of sites.

This shows that people take product reviews seriously before they go into business or else buy a product. A review can make or break a product or business.

A number of good reviews would mean the product or business would be good as well. Bad reviews of course would show that a product or business can’t be relied on.

How product reviews are evaluated isn’t quite sure yet, though there are certain criteria that Google use for it.

These criteria include volume, content, diversity and star or numerical rating. Volume means that the business caters to more people.

This is part of a cycle, since a business that is ranked high in search engines would naturally get more customers, while those ranked lower would not be noticed at once.

Content means what people are saying about a product or business. In simple terms, it means whether most reviews are good or bad.

What people say about the business then affects ranking as well. Star or numerical rating factors in ranking, but it isn’t as much as volume or content. Google looks to the first two more than it would the rating people give on a site or product.

This shows that product reviews are important for a business. A business that gets good reviews would be more trusted than one that gets bad ones. Many companies strive to get good reviews as much as possible in order to rank high as well as have a favorable impact on people.

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