The New eBay Authenticate Service Coming In Fall
eBay is coming out with eBay Authenticate this Fall. The aim of eBay Authenticate is to help buyers in determining whether the product they’re looking at is authentic or not.
With the proliferation of counterfeit goods online, many buyers are concerned that what they’re getting might not be the genuine thing.
You can find out more about eBay Authenticate on eBay’s site here.
eBay Authenticate Protects From Counterfeit Goods
It won’t only be buyers who can use this feature, but sellers as well. Sellers can use this service for certain types of inventory.

One of the first products that would be included for the service would be handbags. This is because many buyers have shown concern whether the handbags they’re getting are authentic.
Later on, other products would be added. This is most true for luxury items such as watches and jewellery.
Before an item can be sold to a buyer, it will first have to pass through the authenticator. Once the item has been verified to be authentic, it will the forwarded to the buyer.
An item that has been verified to be not authentic is eligible for a refund. eBay will refund the buyer at a cost of twice the original purchase price of the item.
While there are certain items that will be for the authentication service, even items that are not included in it can be authenticated.
The buyer can still use the service, but for a fee. The service is an added measure to ensure that products being sold on eBay are genuine.
Though less than a fraction of items sold on eBay are said to be counterfeit, eBay is still determined to have eBay Authenticate.
A number of reports in the past have stated that there have been items bought by customers that turned out to be fake from eBay. For its part, eBay would want to keep counterfeits out of its site.
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Dave Furness
Dave is a Co-Founder of eSeller365. For over 10 years he has been involved with eCommerce with a particular interest in the marketplaces and the huge opportunities available for sellers when utilizing a multi-channel strategy. After a year of being the UK’s youngest eCommerce consultant, he built an education platform called UnderstandingE that showed the world how to utilize Magento as the “Third Generation of Multi-Channel software”.
Dave has also created a YouTube channel dedicated to entrepreneurship and eCommerce as well as a podcast dedicated to mental health awareness. When Dave isn’t working his main interests include learning and playing Chess, researching the Crypto and NFT space, and trying to find the nearest beach.
I sell 100% Authentic Rolex Watches on eBay (User ID AMorris9999. takes you to my eBay store)
I’m 100% for the authenticate AS LONG AS THE PEOPLE AUTHENTICATING ARE LEGIT, KNOWLEDGEABLE, and HONEST. I won’t lie and say I’m not concerned that they may damage a watch or make an error with an authentication. My business has taken a very big hit from the competition offering older watches loaded with aftermarket parts to dress them up to look like newer watches. They are advertised with the same keywords and usually no disclosures to all the monkey business going on with their watches. This drives their listings to the top of the best match search while my like new 100% authentic watches literally go sometimes to the 200th page of search results. Hopefully this service will clean up eBay a bit.
It sounds like the service should be beneficial to you. When it becomes available, we would love to hear seller’s actual use stories about it.
Thank you