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USPS Files Proposal to Simplify Ground Package Shipping Service Options


The Postal Service today filed with the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) certain classification changes designed to enhance and expand the First-Class Package Service (FCPS) product.

This would simplify three of the USPS ground shipping options into one, streamlining its package services, which can be very confusing right now.

In short, USPS Retail Ground and Parcel Select Ground would be incorporated into one enhanced FCPS product. If approved by the PRC, the changes would take effect on January 8, 2023.

Here is the summary of the proposed changes:

  • The size (dimension) limitations for First-Class Package Service will be updated to align with the product consolidation.
  • $100 of insurance will be included in the enhanced First-Class Package Service product.
  • Cubic pricing tiers will be added to the enhanced First-Class Package Service product, along with Oversized, Dimensional Weight, and Nonstandard Fees.
  • The Parcel Select Ground price category will be eliminated from the Parcel Select product to avoid redundancy. Both Parcel Select Ground and USPS Retail Ground will be subsumed under the newly enhanced First-Class Package Service product.
  • The Limited Overland Routes price category will be retained and shifted under First-Class Package Service.

USPS said the changes are in keeping with the Delivering for America 10-year plan to achieve financial stability and service excellence, defined as meeting or exceeding 95 percent on-time delivery across all product categories.

“We are improving service and simplifying product offerings for our customers. By upgrading the customer experience and optimizing our package processing and surface transportation networks, we are becoming the best option in the industry.”

Postmaster General Louis DeJoy

USPS PRC Filings

Here are the two PRC filings explaining the proposed changes and how they would affect the USPS parcel shipping options.

How this will affect pricing for the enhanced FCPS product is unknown as of right now. But assuming this proposal will be approved by the PRC, USPS will need to file a proposed pricing schedule for this new simplified ground service package service later this fall.

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